Repo Card

Give your repos some freshness with a Repo Card.

I often get lazy adding a profile to my repositories, especially when I'd like for them to get forked, starred, etc. If you've been there, then Repo Cards are for you.


Here's one of my own repos with one: 2048 Cube

2048 Cube


You can add a repo card in many different ways. Choose one that's easiest for you:

Reference the script file via the CDN (not fast, yet)

<script src=""></script>

Install via Bower

$ bower install repo-card --save

Install via NPM

$ npm install repo-card --save

Then, you simply configure the Repo card with your info

// Once sourced from either a CDN or locally, you use the data-attributes to configure the repo card
<script src="./repo-card.min.js" id="repo-card-lib"

Or, you configure it within your app as seen in the script tag below

<script src="../lib/repo-card/repo-card.js"></script>
      repo: 'init',
      username: 'farhadg',
      title: 'Init',
      subtitle: '@farhadg',
      info: 'A quick way to get you to the first commit of any GitHub repo (tracks branches too)',
      position: {
        top: 25
        right: 25


Here are some options that you can set within the data-attrbutes (e.g. data-info="some information) or in your app.



Please use the issues page with any questions/concerns. If you like this idea and find it useful, please share the project as I'd love the help :)